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Assorted Cow Tail Bones (Frozen)

Assorted Cow Tail Bones (Frozen)

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Our range of cow tail bones are carefully selected for the health of your dog whilst supplying great nutrition.

Chewing on Raw Meaty Bones helps to release seratonin in your dog, making them naturally feel happy and satisfied.

Appropriate bones encourage excellent dental hygiene in your dogs by functioning as a natural toothbrush.

The calcium and phosphorus in Raw Meaty Bones is in its most natural state, readily absorbed by your dog and simply urinated out if it is not needed!

All of our bones are non-weight-bearing, as weight-bearing dogs are too tough for a dog's teeth. We stock softer, more nutritious options for your pet.

A cow's tail is not at all weight-bearing, resulting in soft and easily-digestible bones.

Cow Tail Quarters are excellent for puppies and young dogs. They are soft, and when cut this way are gentle on the gut. We also provide the option of whole cow tails; fully round for your dog to chew through. We recommend cut tails for pups and young dogs, and whole for adult dogs. 

If you need help choosing appropriate bones for your dog, please do not hesitate to reach out! We can be contacted by phone or text on 0488144675 or email at ordersbmpets@gmail.com