Collection: Functional Meals For Dogs
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Does your dog suffer from metabolic conditions? Do you struggle to find a food suitable for them, or a food they can simply keep down? We made this range with the goal of helping you.
Our years of experience in natural health and nutrition allow us to carefully create raw meals catering to dogs with altered metabolisms.
We pride ourselves on our ability to create excellent diets for dogs suffering from many gut conditions, including Irritable Bowel Disease, 'Leaky Gut Conditions' and many more with the aim of supporting long-term healing and recovery.
The range in this collection is some of our most common meals for dogs with metabolic conditions, primarily Irritable Bowel, Leaky Gut or Skin Conditions.
We create mixes for dogs with Kidney Diseases, Liver Diseases and pancreatic conditions. Our mixes for these dogs are custom made specially for your dog and their needs, as no two dogs are the same.
We believe any ill dog should have access to high quality natural diets, so even if we don't have a suitable option listed we can design something especially for you. We regularly customise our diets for dogs with heart conditions or kidney insufficiency. We custom-make diets for dogs suffering from Cushing's Disease and Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) on request for our customers also, so please do not hesitate to get in touch about your dog!